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8. Mai 2024

Communications & Marketing Advisor 100%

Unterstützen Sie die Partnerorganisation bei der Verbesserung von Kommunikationssystemen. Sie stärken dabei die Kompetenzen der Kommunikationskoordinatoren und Programmmitarbeitenden.

Restless Development delivers youth-led development programmes on young peoples’ priorities, with a focus on community-led change and gender, accountability, and financial inclusion. They reach about 40,000 youth every year across 10 provinces and 56 districts, through young facilitators who mobilise fellow young community members in their own communities to durably transform their lives, bringing them knowledge, access to services and opening up platforms for them to be heard. They implement Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), civic participation and capacity building interventions in Schools and communities across the country.

Your activities / tasks

As a Comundo co-worker, you will be part of Comundo’s country program in Zambia, ensuring that children and young people in Zambia receive a high-quality education in a safe learning environment. You will contribute to the improved funding and sustainability of Restless Development programmes that support young people to create change in their communities. This will be through strengthening the communications department, internally and externally with stakeholders and partners.
Your tasks will be:

  • Support communication activities within Restless Development Zambia.,
  • Support the Hub to increase its visibility among relevant audiences.
  • Strengthen the capacity of Communications Coordinator and different Programme Managers/Coordinators to identify opportunities for capturing and sharing best practices.
  • Develop capacity for Restless Development Communications staff to be able to manage the website and social media accounts.
  • Support in building a photo database

Your profile

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication, Journalism or Public Relations.
  • Practical professional experience in communication, media, or interactive digital media. 
  • Strong proven writing and presentation skills
  • Skills in social media publication
  • Photography skills
  • Experience in (social) business development a plus
  • Finance and marketing experience a plus
  • Substantial computer literacy and very good command of the English language


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Lusaka /  Sambia
2-3 Jahre


CV / Files


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