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30. Juni 2024

Auto Electrical Skills Development Advisor 100%

Sie unterstützen den Aufbau einer Ausbildungsabteilung für Kfz-Elektrik. Sie beraten die Institution, entwickeln Schulungsunterlagen und schulen die Ausbilder im Bereich Kfz-Elektrik.

Our partner organisation, Salesian of Don Bosco, runs the Don Bosco Technical College located in the mining town of Chingola, in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. With the introduction of skills bursary awards by the government under the Constituency Development Fund, the institution has seen a surge in the number of youths eager to be trained in the various skills courses offered. These young adults are the primary target group for training in Auto Electrical skills, a course in high demand in the region. There are very few service providers in this field. As a vocational training institution, it is crucial for us to have expertise in this area.

Your activities / tasks

As a Comundo co-worker, you will support the establishment of a training unit for Auto Electrical skills development. You will advise the institution, collaborate with the training staff on course profiling, develop training documentation manuals, and ensure knowledge transfer by training the trainers of Automotive Mechanics to be proficient in the field. Among other roles, you will support:

  • Training the trainers to have a comprehensive understanding of the automotive electrical field, both in theory and practical aspects.
  • Developing the curriculum and training manuals/documentation for the course.
  • Offering consultancy services, checks and balances, quality assurance, and additional support.
  • Providing continuous professional development to instructors.
  • Offering professional support and guidance in the formulation of an MoU and policy guidelines on behalf of the institution.

Your profile

  • Minimum of a diploma in the Automotive Electrical field
  • 3 years or more of experience in the field
  • A certification in Teaching Methodology
  • Fluency in written and spoken English

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Bildung, Sonstige
Chingola /  Sambia
2-3 Jahre


CV / Files


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