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11. Mai 2024

TVET Teacher Trainer (m/w/d) 100%

Unterstützen Sie die Maseno Universität beim Entwickeln von Konzepten und Curricula zur Ausbildung von Berufsschullehrpersonen.

Maseno University is a vibrant, fully-fledged public university in Kenya whose Mission statement is “to discover, harness, apply, disseminate and preserve knowledge for good of humanity”. The Vision is to be the University of Excellence in the discovery and dissemination of knowledge. Maseno University consists of 14 Schools and therefore offers diverse disciplines. Some of the Schools are Education, Medicine, Arts, Science, Business, Public Health, Computer Science, Mathematics, Agriculture and Food Security. Initially, it served as a constituent college of Moi University from 1990 to 2001, before it when it was granted university status in 2013. The university has more than 20’000 students and offers various programmes of Doctor of Philosophy, Master, Postgraduate Diploma, Bachelor, Diploma and Certificate.

Your activities/tasks

As a Comundo Co-worker, you contribute to the Comundo country program's goal of opening up better professional and social prospects for children and young people by developing relevant skills through quality and inclusive education and training.

You will support the School of Education at Maseno University in developing an effective Vocational Teacher Training Program that will have a positive impact on the education of TVET students so that they are well-equipped and adequately qualified for the world of work. Among others, you will:

  • Establish the status of training programmes for TVET Teachers in Kisumu County and Kenya. 
  • Conduct a stakeholder needs assessment of current teachers’ needs to provide quality TVET education to students.
  • Contribute to the development of an effective training programme for Vocational Education Teachers in Kisumu County and Kenya.
  • Contribute to the institutional design of the training program.
  • Train University staff in delivering the training program.

Your profile

  • Master in Vocational Education and Training (TVET) or equivalent qualification as a teacher of upper secondary education.
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience in the TVET sector.
  • Project management experience.
  • In-depth understanding and experience in curriculum development and teacher training in the TVET sector.
  • Digital literacy and very good command of the English language.


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Kisumu /  Kenia
2-3 Jahre


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