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26. April 2024

Education Development Advisor 100%

Tragen Sie zur Verbesserung der Bildungsqualität und einem sicheren Lernumfeld in Community Schools im ländlichen Sambia bei.

Zambia belongs to the group of the poorest countries in the world (HDI 146/189). Therefore, a majority of the population lives in tough situations without sufficient access to health care, education, social welfare and protection of their rights. 66.2% of the population is below the age of 25 years, education is therefore a key factor for development and breaking the cycle of poverty. Many families in Zambia cannot afford to send their children to school. Community Schools like those run by Save The Girls are therefore playing an essential role for disadvantaged children and youth.

Our partner organisation Save The Girls, formerly known as Rural Children’s Hope, is a non-governmental organisation working with both girls and boys aged 24 years and below in rural and urban areas. They build children’s confidence and competence through the provision of quality services in education, health, leadership, entrepreneurship, social accountability, and life skills to achieve their full potential. Even though they are working with both boys and girls, they focus more on the girls due to the increased vulnerability, particularly in rural areas. Child marriages and teenage pregnancy rates are extremely high, resulting in a high drop-out rate, and continuing the cycle of poverty.

Your activities / tasks

You will primarily support the teachers of Save the Girls to build up their skills in the field of education with a focus on:

  • Training of teachers in the didactics of numeracy and literacy.
  • Development and implementation of a teacher in-service tool used to train new teachers
  • Coordination of classroom observations and development of a peer-feedback system
  • Development of learning materials in collaboration with teachers
  • Support for Save The Girls in implementing their safeguarding policy

By doing so you contribute to improve the quality of education and create a safer learning environment at four community schools under Save the Girls in Nyanje.

Your profile

  • Degree in education
  • Experience in teaching numeracy and literacy
  • Experience in teacher training or continuous professional development
  • Experience as English teacher or in school management is a plus
  • Willingness to cycle through the bush to reach schools.

We offer 

  • An exciting working environment with an ample space for initiative, participation and intercultural contacts 
  • An adequate preparation 
  • Introduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local support 
  • Living and insurance costs during your assignment 
  • Travelling costs in both directions 
  • Initial financial aid after your return 


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Nyanje /  Sambia
2-3 Jahre


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