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30. Juni 2024

Communication and Knowledge Management Advisor 100%

Als Berater für Kommunikation und Wissensmanagement entwickeln Sie Kommunikationsstrategien, optimieren Entscheidungsprozesse und pflegen Wissensmanagementsysteme.

The Consortium for the Rights and Welfare of Older Persons (CROP) was established by six like-minded organisations that advocate for and/or deliver direct services to older people. The Consortium is rightsbased, focusing on enhancing the wellbeing of older people through service delivery and advocacy. CROP further mobilises various organisations focusing on ageing and older people into a coordinated movement, including the younger generation. The organisation raises public awareness and engages in advocacy and policy influencing around older peoples’ issues such as security, neglect, health, education and training, income and economic empowerment, among others.

Your activities / tasks

As a Comundo co-worker, you will be responsible for acquiring, organising and sharing information with the goal of enhancing the consortium’s programming, improving decision-making processes, and increasing productivity among network members. You will work closely with various teams, from the management to grassroots level, to develop strategies for improved communication and knowledge management within the consortium. Among other roles, you will:

  • Support the development and oversee the implementation of a comprehensive communication and outreach strategy.
  • Monitor progress, support the evaluation and assessment of the communications and outreach strategy using Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) processes.
  • Support technical staff in identifying, curating, and spotlighting organisational learning content.
  • Improve, create, and maintain knowledge management systems.
  • Ensure branding, marking, and accessibility consistency and compliance across events, messages, and products.

Your profile

  • A degree in adult learning, leadership, organisational development, international development, strategic communications, journalism, or a related field.
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in communication and knowledge Management.
  • Ability to use communication and knowledge management software and databases as well as artificial intelligence.

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Lusaka /  Sambia
2-3 Jahre


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