Dona ora
20 aprile 2024

Gestione di istituzioni scolastiche 100%

Sosterrai la gestione dei centri scolastici professionali nella regione di Kisumu, contribuendo così al miglioramento dell'istruzione professionale.

The Government of Kenya is committed to promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as stipulated in Article 55 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The aim is to provide a quality education that prepares students for global competitiveness. However, the implementation of the goal of TVET is faced with difficulties. The missing linkage of training to labour market needs, the strong theoretical orientation of training and the low income that most colleges generate from their production, among others. Kisumu County on Lake Victoria runs 26 TVET Centres.

 Your activities/tasks

As a Comundo co-worker, you will be part of Comundo’s country program in Kenya. You will contribute to strengthening the TVET system in Kisumu County so that vulnerable children and youth can have better professional and social prospects by developing relevant skills through high-quality and inclusive Technical and Vocational Education and Training.

Based in one of the “Centres of Excellence” in Kisumu you will provide support to improve the management and administration systems of the centres, ensure that Managers of the 26 TVET Centres are able to run their centres effectively and efficiently and that the colleges develop their production side to increase their financial sustainability. Among others you will:

  • Do organizational capacity assessments of the colleges and training needs assessments of their staff.
  • Suggest introduction of improved management and administration systems for the management of resources and student administration and support improvements.
  • Develop a model for colleges to improve their production units and assist in implementing the model.
  • Assist in improving course administration.
  • Organize and conduct training and coaching for center managers.

Your profile

  • Solid qualification in education management or business administration.
  • Proven experience in the running of schools, colleges, or other educational facilities.
  • If possible, working as a teacher or trainer of trainers/teachers
  • Experience with the development of administrative systems and data management.
  • Substantial computer literacy and very good command of the English language
  • Resident of Switzerland or Germany.


Utilizzate questo formulario di candidatura per la vostra candidatura completa.




Candidati ora
Campo d'attività
Educazione, Management
Kisumu /  Kenya
2-3 anni


CV / Files


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