Dona ora
7 maggio 2024

Gestione delle competenze e garanzia di qualità 100%

Sosterrai l'organizzazione partner GRIC a Nairobi in Kenya nella gestione delle competenze e nella garanzia di qualità, con l'obiettivo di aumentare la professionalità.

Knowledge Management and Quality assurance play a crucial role in the development and sustainability of organisations to enhance innovation and competitiveness, support effective decision making, enhance research and development and strengthen capacity building,

GRIC is a locally led organisation active in the education sector that is committed and passionate about promoting community-based learning and sustainable development in vulnerable communities. Their education program is tailored to promote holistic learning and acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy skills by learners furthest behind. To achieve this, GRIC partners with grassroots organizations to bring about positive change in the communities.


Your activities / tasks

As a Comundo Co-worker, you contribute to the goals of the country program in Kenya. You will contribute to strengthening the Knowledge Management and Quality Assurance systems at GRIC and be based at the GRIC offices in Nairobi. You will:

  • Strengthen the integrity in the process of collecting and analysing information,
  • Design the GRIC information flow system and contribute to the setting up on a knowledge hub,
  • Assist in making meaning of information
  • Introduce new KM tools,
  • Make information accessible for the wider constituency,
  • Document Best Practices of GRIC education work.


Your profile

  • Solid qualification in education, education management, knowledge management or quality assurance.
  • Practical Experience in Knowledge Management, Quality Assurance and monitoring.
  • Strong data analytics skills; both qualitative and quantitative.
  • Overall understanding of information flow processes from input to presentation.
  • A keen eye to detail and utilization of information to make decisions.
  • Familiarity with project management tools, education methodologies, and best practices.
  • Substantial computer literacy and very good command of the English language.


We offer

  • An interesting working environment that offers space for self-initiative, participation and intercultural human relations.
  • Adequate preparation.
  • Introduction to the country context and accompaniment on site.
  • Coverage of living costs and insurance for the duration of the stay
  • Coverage of round-trip travel expenses, flat rate for furniture, school fees, etc.
  • Financial support for reintegration after the mission.


Utilizzate questo formulario di candidatura per la vostra candidatura completa.




Candidati ora
Campo d'attività
Management, IT
Nairobi /  Kenya
2-3 anni


CV / Files


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