Dona ora
24 aprile 2024

Formazione professionale 100%

Sosterrai la nostra organizzazione partner in Namibia nel fornire la migliore istruzione possibile a bambini e giovani.

The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture Namibia is a longstanding partner organisation of Comundo and is committed to deliver an equitable and inclusive education for all children and youth. In addition, the Ministry promotes Namibian art and culture in favor of national unity and in consideration of its diversity.  

The Comundo Country Programme Namibia contributes significantly to a better education for all children and youth. Especially pre-vocational subjects for learners with special education needs shall be introduced and expanded. To achieve this goal, we collaborate with the regional Directorates of Education, for this assignment in Kavango East, a region in northern Namibia. 

Your activities / tasks 

Your task is to facilitate the implementation of the pre-vocational curriculum and subjects at school level with practical co-ordination and project management activities. Your main tasks will be: 

  • Improvement of teaching methods for practical lessons and knowledge transfer in the regional office 
  • Support the implementation of pre-vocational subjects in additional schools 
  • Support and organize industrial attachments for students 
  • Promote pre-vocational training with all stakeholders 


Your profile 

  • Degree and work experience as a vocational trainer 
  • Skills to train adults 
  • Project management skills are an added advantage 
  • Intercultural knowledge and team player 
  • Good command of written and spoken English 
  • Experience in leadership 

We offer

  • An exciting working environment with an ample space for initiative participation and intercultural contacts
  • An adequate preparation
  • Introduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local support
  • Living and insurance costs during your assignment
  • Travelling costs in both directions
  • Initial financial aid after your return


Utilizzate questo formulario di candidatura per la vostra candidatura completa.

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Candidati ora
Campo d'attività
Rundu /  Namibia
2 - 3 anni


CV / Files


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