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7 juin 2024

Management et développement de l'organisation 100%

Grâce à vos compétences, soutenez notre organisation partenaire au Kenya dans le renforcement de ses structures organisationnelles et de management.

Make Me Smile Kenya (MMS-K) is a Kenyan non-profit organization founded in 2008. The mission of MMS-K is to help people to help themselves, for the benefit of the children, because MMS-K believes in the potential of every human being. The organization works to promote the social and health development of around 20’00 orphans & vulnerable children (OVC) and adolescent girls & young women (AGYW).   

Due to the influence of donors, especially some of the larger donors, different organizational structures have developed within the MMS structures and some projects operate as semi-autonomous units within MMS, and with their own management systems. MMS-K runs the risks of losing its core identity due to the dominant policy of the large donors. It is therefore important to strengthen and standardize MMS-K as an organization at all levels of the organizational culture. 

Your activities/tasks 

As a Comundo Technical Advisor, you will be part of Comundo’s country program in Kenya. You will contribute to strengthening organizational and management structures of MMS. Thus, children and youth have better prospects by developing relevant knowledge and skills through high-quality and inclusive basic and vocational education.  

Based in Kisumu you support and accompany MMS in strengthening their organisational structure and management systems. You will conduct assessments, design development plans and support MMS in implementing these plans. Among others, you will: 

  • Conduct and organizational assessments for MMS. 
  • Develop an organization development plan. 
  • Assist in putting in place lean and effective organizational processes.  
  • Strengthen the MMS administration systems. 
  • Put in place an effective and accountable communication, information and reporting systems and channels. 

Your profile 

  • Solid qualification in organizational development/business management. 
  • Experience in the development of administrative systems and in organizational development. 
  • Substantial computer literacy and very good command of the English language 
  • Project management and development skills 
  • Experience in TVET and the running of educational institutions are an advantage.  

We offer

  • An exciting working environment with an ample space for initiative, participation, and intercultural contacts
  • An adequate preparation
  • Introduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local support
  • Living and insurance costs during your assignment 
  • Travelling costs in both directions 
  • Initial financial aid after your return

Pour votre candidature complète, veuillez utiliser ce formulaire de candidature.

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Envoyer ma candidature
Champ d'activité
Kisumu /  Kenya
2 ans


CV / Fichiers


Veuillez noter qu'une fois votre candidature envoyée avec succès, vous recevrez un email de confirmation. Vérifiez également votre dossier de courrier indésirable. Si vous n'avez pas reçu d'email, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse mathilde.defferrard@comundo.org

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Nous nous réjouissons de faire votre connaissance !

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